The Anxiety Protocol

The only protocol that treats the root cause of anxiety and panic to eliminate it from your body entirely.

Today is the day YOU can change your life.

Suffering with anxiety & panic attacks and learning how to "manage" or "cope" with them while you try to live a normal life, is NOT life.

Anxiety & panic attacks have a physical root cause, and what makes this a good thing, is that you can heal it.

Imagine not just going back to how life was before your anxiety & panic started, but feeling even better!

Do you have any of the following....

  • Have you stopped going out with your friends or family for fear of a panic attack happening?
  • Feel alone, like no one else is going through this?
  • Fear your health is in danger? Fear you are dying or having a heart attack?
  • Constantly saying"no" to things in your life because......what if....?
  • Feeling dizzy or like you can't breathe or your heart is racing?
  • Tired of hearing over and over again to learn to deal with it, or better yet "it's all in your head?"
  • Worried you will need to be on medication the rest of your life and now dealing with the side effects of those?
  • Using affirmations, focusing on something else, breathing techniques "possibly" helping in the moment, but still not getting rid of your panic & anxiety permanently?
  • Spending thousands of dollars going to doctors & therapists but still have anxiety?

What if your life could look like this instead......

  • Getting back to making plans with your friends without fearing what could happen.
  • Not feeling alone anymore. Feeling "normal" again.
  • Feeling safe emotionally and physically.
  • Being able to just say "YES" to life and opportunities again.
  • Feeling calm & grounded
  • Being healthy, having energy & wanting to get out and enjoy your life.
  • No longer having to take prescription medications.
  • Sleeping better at night.
  • Increased focus without negative thoughts.
  • Happy that this is gone, and out of your life!

What is The Anxiety Protocol?


Pick a day and time to schedule your call. This is a time for us to understand YOUR individualized symptoms, what you are experiencing physically and mentally. Overview your medical history, triggers you might have, overwhelming fears, etc.. This will allow us to pinpoint exactly what homeopathic remedy your body needs. You will have 2 remedy suggestions. The first one will be for acute relief (supporting remedy), to be taken as needed whenever you are having an attack to bring you back to center. The second will be your individualized remedy which will be taken daily to bring your body back into proper alignment.


You will learn the root cause of your anxiety and panic attacks. Understand that everyone who suffers from anxiety & panic has either toxic heavy metals, viruses stored in their liver, or a combination of both. Most of the time it is both with one more dominant then the other. It is important to understand how this plays a role in your health. Most importantly you need to know how to remove and heal your body of both of these.


You will now be armed with everything you need to move forward in your healing journey. You will have a clear understanding of what is causing this havoc on your body. You will know what foods are making it worse, and which foods will make it better. So many people are eating foods they believe are healthy everyday that is quite litteraly feeding the virus in the liver making it worse. You are also provided with other techniques to aid you during your healing process to help re-train your brain, release stored traumas, and more. These techniques are there to help during the physical healing process.


After implementing the homeopathic remedies and do's & don'ts of eating you will not only have your life back again, but you will feel healthier, more alive, energetic, and excited about life again. If you suffer from other ailments, like skin issues, muscle pains, neurological issues, gut issues, weight issues, migraines, sinusitis and more you will most likely find those to be gone as well. We are so deeply happy and proud of you for taking your health and happiness and making it a priority.


Sandy Turano

"I spent 23 years medicated, and still suffered from panic attacks. I am now 100% free of medication, and no longer suffer anxiety!"


"I am driving my car again, going into the grocery store and attending my kids events again. I honestly did not think I would ever get my life back. Thank you from bottom of my heart"

Ryan B.

"After having lost almost everything including my job, to the debilitating fear I had daily. In just 8 weeks I feel better than I have since I was 20. No more panic, no more anxiety, I feel like I am actually alive again!!!"


  • Whats included & how much is The Anxiety Protocol?: The Anxiety Protocol includes your one on one 30 minute consultation, your personalized remedy diagnosis, full access to all of the educational materials, such as "Do & Don'ts Food List", and additional techniques used to re-train your brain for $98.
  • Ages?: This protocol has been used successfully on all ages from toddlers - Adulthood.
  • Length of time for results?: Most people see significant improvement within a few days. On average to fully heal yourself of the viruses & metals takes a few months because this is done safely and without causing any additional stress to your nervous system.
  • Do the homeopathic remedies come included?: No, they do not as these are personalized. The average remedy ranges from $7 - $22.
  • Will I have to keep booking an appointment every month, like regular Doctors? Nope! We arm you with everything you need. But, we are always here if you need us.
  • Are homeopathic remedies safe/addictive? Homeopathy does not have side effects and there is no addiction. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the natural healing response and bring the body back into alignment by healing itself.
  • My child doesn't like the taste of medicine?: No problem remedies for kids come on little sucrose pellets, so they taste like tiny sugar pellets.
  • Will any of the remedies interfere with my prescription medication?: Not at all, you just take these with your current medication.
  • Is this a hard cleanse? Will I feel worse (Herx reaction)? Absolutely not. Cleanses and fasting are one of the worst things you can do if you have any illness like this. As you move forward you will feel more grounded, more energy, more focused, and a lot less anxious. Everyday you will start to feel a little more "normal" again.

Additional Questions?

Send us an email:

hello @

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The information provided on this Site & in these materials is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings, courses, emails, social media videos and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Andrea Melendez, The Healing Protocols are not to be considered Medical or Mental Health provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.